Monday, 19 December 2011

heart of mine

‘lucky me!’ he thought. With early exit of his faculty just like yesterday and the day before, he could leave too. As if his absence would really matter.
The idea of ‘chillin’ with his friend  was making him skip 2 or maybe 4 steps ,almost making him run. Usually he would go out, crack a joke or two and probably together they leave to their common adda.
‘where are they today?’ he thought as his eyes were busy searching for his friends in between all the familiar faces till they finally stopped at a girl, he thought he knew . He saw her struggling while trying to get out of the auto ,noticed the unsynchronized movement with both of her legs. He vaguely moved towards her for help.Until he saw her face.

The morning sun woke her up just the usual. The  cold breeze was whispering in her ears,she was loving the moment of how the sunlight kissed her skin and made it glow but she couldn’t wait to go out. 30 hours were quiet a lot to spend on ur bed, doing nothing.
“I have to see  a doctor.” That was her final, stubborn word before any one of her friends became  ‘the mummy’ and started screaming and left her alone in her room. Only this time they agreed.

   The known face he saw ,still was waiting to be named in his head. He had seen her before; their eyes had met quite a few times that now it made him uncomfortable. ‘No. Not her .’He thought when it suddenly dawned on him. He took back his steps, turned and crossed the busy road.
‘of course they can never be on time.’ Diverting his thoughts somewhere else, trying hard not to look at the questionable side of the road.

      Finally! She was surprised how the swelling around the sprain part became less. She was walking or rather stumbling but at least some movement! They stopped in front of the college, when she saw him. He seemed perfect to her, it was funny how the sunlight made his shirt look ‘whiter’. It felt nice, it felt warm. A smile that she just couldn’t resist promted above her dimpled ching matching her glad, gleamy eyes.
Little did she know that it was not going to be the moment that she had run in her mind several times.
Their eyes met. She read his face blank .Not an atom of emotion, not even a frown. But before she could make out what exactly was what, he moved away and then it hit her like a big yellow school bus.
It seemed her secret was out. Nothing was said but everything could be felt. Suddenly her heart was paining more, more  than her leg ever did. She felt her stomach diving into a whirlpool that was taking in all the organs inside too.. Within seconds she had flashbacks of moments she now thought she had over-read. Her brain was processing this new stage faster than her heart was pumping blood. She doesn’t remember how she entered the college, doesn’t remember how she reached the college doctor, can’t recall anything that much after she had seen his face. She felt a sense of disgust in his look now.
Yes she had liked him, but never did she want him to know about it. That was the way it was supposed to be, then why this? For all she wanted, this could never have been it.Not yet.

this is a fan made video of the song 'heart of mine' by Norah Jones.(was originally by Bob Dylan).
love the lyrics of this one.Particulary when it goes - 'don't let him know..'

hope u got what i wrote.


  1. The way you wrote it, I'll say it your way with words, that was pretty nice.
